  • Monday, December 24, 2007

    Owed Tagged

    I owe this to Meng, he tagged me sometime back.

    1. The phone rings, who do you want it to be?
    - Simmie, cause we're gonna ponteng work and go play pool... aww come on it's Christmas eve!

    2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
    - Nop, usually i wheel it to the next car beside mine.

    3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or listener?
    - I would say listener but i do get talkie when I'm tipsy.

    4. Do you take compliments well?
    - Yeah, I actually do. I liked to be complimented!! I mean who doesn't?

    5. Do you play Sudoku?
    - Can't even sit myself down to do the weekly crossword. So what do you think?

    6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
    - I was a scout in high school, so I reckon I have a chance. Do I have a carton of cigarettes with me?

    7.What song are you listening to?
    - Goodbye Mr. A by The Hoosiers, playing on Virgin Radio.

    8.Did you ever go to a camp as a kid?
    - As I said, I was a scout.

    9. What was your favourite game as a kid?
    - I liked burning things.

    10. Are you a single?
    - Not really, no.

    11.Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
    - Yeah, having one now. She made me all chrismassy but I still ain't going to churh!

    12.Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
    - Errr, I like car chases either way.

    13.Use three words to describe yourself.
    - Jelly, fluffy and super fucking funny, ok just funny.

    14.Do any songs make you cry?
    - The song that played in that Jamaican Bobsled Team movie - Cool Runnings. The scene where they crashed and pushed their bobsled pass the line. Makes me cry everytime.

    15.Are you continuing your education?
    - Yeah, my mom gave me this cheap option. Might look into it.

    16.Do you know how to shoot a gun?
    - We had a BB gun in the studio for releasing stress, now it's busted but I haven't shot a REAL gun.

    17.If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing that you'll grab?
    - My Powerbook, then Sheena, then my sis, then my grandma and then run back in to grab the cats and dogs.

    18.How often do you read books?
    - Not much, just design books these days. Just picked one up from the bookstore, so I'll be reading quite often for a month.

    19.Do you think more about the past, present or future?
    - Future and present. Just reminiscing on the past is enough, no need to think in too deep.

    20.What is your favourite children's book?
    - Year of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Can't remember the author but it's brilliant! Then there was Fudge - the sequal.

    21.What color are your eyes?
    - Brownish Black??

    22.How tall are you?
    - Taller than everyone in my family but shorter than most of my friends.

    23.Where is your dream house located?
    - Where Home is.

    24.Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
    - Errr, not that I can remember. Anyway Malaysian phone booths are kinda sucky looking.

    25.When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
    - Olive What!?!?!

    26.Do you like mustard?
    - Yeah yeah but we don't get much of that here.

    27.Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
    - I think I prefer eating more.

    28.Do you look like your mom and dad?
    - My dad. It's like God was too lazy to make a new guy, he just used back the old template of my dad.

    29.How long does it take you in the shower?
    - If you include my toilet session it's about 30 mins. If just shower then 15 mins i guess.

    30.Can you do the splits?
    - Oh no no no, I don't have a "balls splitting" wish.

    31.What movie do you want to see right now?
    - I AM LEGEND. I would have watched it last week if Elaine hadn't dragged me to watch the Golden Compass.... BORRRIINNGG!

    32.What did you do for New Year?
    - I don't remember, guess it wasn't that important anyway.

    33.Do you own a camera phone?
    - Yups.

    34.Was your mom a cheerleader?
    - That's a really bad question to ask. Seriously....

    35.How many hours of sleep do you get at night?
    - Not enough.

    36.Do you like care bears?
    - YEAH. Fucking brilliant shit! CARE BEARS SHARE!!!!!!

    37.What do you buy at the movies?
    - a 90 minutes butt aching, non-smoking, tiny ass seat.

    38.Do you know how to play poker?
    -Yeah but I prefer Chinese Poker! Chor Tai Tee babeh!!

    39.Do you wear your seatbelt?
    - When I hit the highways, if I'm going to the local 7-11 then not really.

    40.What do you wear to sleep?
    - Boxers but I prefer nothing.

    41.Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
    - Only on the special occasions.

    42.How many meals do you eat a day?
    - 3 + 1 which is supper.

    43.Do you always read friendster bulletins?
    - Nop, haven't been into friendster for ages. Facebook la!

    44.Do you like funny or serious people better?
    - Funny.

    45.Ever been to L.A.?
    - Noooppp.

    46.Did you eat a cookie today?
    - I had bread. Doest that count?

    47.Tag 3 people.
    - I think that's the amount of viewers I have. So if you 3 people got a blog. You're tagged! Heh...


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