  • Friday, October 05, 2007

    Online Banking

    I was browsing the web earlier tonight. The usual websites, checking the iMac's because Ben promised one earlier for THE AGENCY. I can't wait... *drool*. Let's hope he keeps to his word. Also checking out the iPod Touch but with such low hard disk space, I'm considering the Classic instead. I can live without the multi touch screen. Anyway, I somehow found myself browsing Al Rajhi Malaysia's bank website.

    Have anyone actually realize that their logo kind of resemble someone giving you the finger? They don't even try to cover it up, it's just blatantly out there for all to see! As I was loading the website, it got all funky on me.

    It's just screaming, "Fuck off! Can't you see I'm sleeping!"

    Looks like it's screaming in some sort of HTML language hence the 'Error Occured while Processing Request' title. Crazy error messages all over the screen. All layed out in such disaray. If my speakers starts screaming right now, it would totally freak me out. This would be my report if I was some kind of website surveyor...

    Hardware - Apple Powerbook 12" G4
    Operating System - OS X 10.4 Tiger
    Browser Used - Safari v2.04
    Website Visited - Al Rajhi Malaysia
    Website was sleeping and asked me to come back another day. He flicked me off which was pretty rude. He also took a tone on me and showed a lot of attitude. Will try on Windows platform next week.


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