  • Thursday, August 23, 2007

    Tagged or not?

    This is a conversation with Meng and I, basically he had a tag on his blog and listed me as one of his links of friends with their own blog. So I'm not sure whether it's just the list or that I actually got tagged myself.

    ian says:
    you listed me in the tag ah
    ian says:
    does that mean i have to do the tag also?
    Maui wauie says:
    Maui wauie says:
    Maui wauie says:
    ian says:
    the fuck?
    ian says:
    so pointless....
    Maui wauie says:
    old skkol

    So here goes the pointless tag. I need to list out 5 friends with blogs.

    1. Sheena, me darlings.
    2. Kev, Mr. Broken Scar himself!
    3. Simran, dude you should continue blogging, you write well!
    4. Vivian, my cousin who apparently does morphine...
    5. Ju, Meng's niece who is 5 months older(I basically ran out of friends with blogs so I've gotta re-post Ju's blog eventhough it's already in Meng's).

    So to be clear on this, all those that I've linked here you guys are tagged. Happy tagging!(eventhough it's a bloody waste of time...)


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