  • Friday, August 24, 2007


    Recently HP held a boot camp Kuala Rompin, Pahang. Summerset Colonial Hotel & Villas to be more exact. It was to introduce the new Blades Server that was coming out as well as most of the Mid Range family products. There were loads of games, food and an abundance of alcohol. Sheena actually came on the second last day, very sweet of her. Driving all the way, and trust me it's a long drive. I'll leave you guys with some pictures, which I must credit to Mr. Lee Kim Liang, my colleague from the Penang branch. He brought his sweet Digital SLR with him.

    The seaside was really windy

    Sumerset's Coffee House

    The lobby and front entrance



    These buggy's were some awesome wheels. Imagine go karting for rough terrains

    My team actually finished third overall in the competition. We were actually at no.1 by the end of the second day but we blew it all during our physical portion of the competition. We won this 60GB external Hard Drive which doesn't work on my mac. Fuck!

    All i all, it was good fun, meeting new friends and consuming way too much alcohol


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