  • Wednesday, August 01, 2007


    On Saturday night, after watching The Simpsons Movie, I went for a birthday party. It was a friend of Sheena's. So basically it was Sheena, Ju, Ben (Ju's brother) and his girlfriend, Vicky, Dawn and her two friends which I really can't remember their names. I think one of them was John.

    Anyway the party was at TTDI, in a club called Bamboo. It was my first time there and when I arrived, the sign of the placed spelled Bambo9. You guys get it? As in Bambo-9, well without the dash in the middle. So I was pretty much wondering whether it was actually called Bambo-9, or it's just one of those cool text messaging short forms like "sk8ter" or "10ks 4 d gift" kinda thing. If it was one of those, it was not a very good one. I mean at least "sk8ter"'s got some substance and some balance in the word.

    Sara (Sheena's birthday-girl friend) calls the place Bamboo and so does everyone else. So who am I to argue? Anyway here are some pics from the night.

    Oh and on the way back, we stopped by at Rainforest to meet up with another friend of Sheena's. Julian was this butch lesbian with a nice lesbian partner. When Mr. Timberlake's Sexy Back came on, I got some nice piece of lesbian action happening in front of me. Sorry no pictures though... You've just got to trust me on this one. Hehe.


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